The economy. How do the media cover it and what are the effects? A literature review.

New publication by Alyt Damstra, Mark Boukes, and Rens Vliegenthart in Sociology Compass, titled “The economy. How do the media cover it and what are the effects? A literature review.” Read more about this study in the abstract below, or click on this link. Abstract: This article provides an overview of key findings in the field of economic news…

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(Un)covering the Economic Crisis?

New publication by Alyt Damstra and Rens Vliegenthart in Journalism Studies, titled “(Un)covering the Economic Crisis?’ Read more about this study in the abstract below, or click on this link. Abstract: This study takes crisis coverage as the dependent variable. Focusing on the Netherlands, we investigate how print media framed the economic crisis (2007–2013) and to what extent temporal…

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Tom Dobber in the news

CPC-member Tom Dobber has been a popular interview partner regarding the Cambridge Analytica topic and the municipality elections recently; see news articles here, here, here and here. And here! Well done, Tom!

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