38 CPC papers @ ICA

From May 24th till May 28th the 68th ICA conference takes place in Prague. We are super proud that no less than 38 papers of CPC-members will be presented at this “High Mass” of Communication Science! Have a look at our paper presenters below: Araujo; Lock; van de Velde. A Protocol for Communication Research With Machine Vision: Using Recognition…

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Spui25 Event ‘F*ke news and its societal consequences’

On June 5, CPC director Claes de Vreese and CPC member Judith Möller discuss how ‘f*ke news’ has risen to prominence in the last few years, and what its consequences are for Dutch society. Together with Fransisco van Jole, Maarten Keulemans, Alexander Pleijter, and Ira van Keulen. Attending the event is free of charge, you can register and find more information…

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Effects of issue and poll news on electoral volatility: conversion or crystallization?

New publication by Sabine Geers, Linda Bos and Claes de Vreese in Acta Politica: Effects of issue and poll news on electoral volatility: conversion or crystallization? Read the abstract here: Abstract: In the last decades, electoral volatility has been on the rise in Western democracies. Scholars have proposed several explanations for this phenomenon of floating voters. Exposure to media…

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Combined Forces: Thinking and/or Feeling?

New publication by Laura Jacobs, Mark Boukes and Rens Vliegenthart in Political studies: Combined forces: Thinking and/or feeling? How news consumption affects anti-Muslim attitudes through perceptions and emotions about the economy. Read the abstract here: Abstract: This study develops a model that contributes to our understanding of the complex relationship between economic motivations and anti-Muslim attitudes by analyzing the underexplored role…

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Addicted to the Algorithm

Last week, Sanne Kruikemeier participated in a Tegenlicht Meet Up “Verslaafd aan het algoritme” (addicted to the algorithm) in Pakhuis de Zwijger. More information about the topic of that night and a recorded livestream can be checkd out by following this link

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