Here you can find examples of codebooks used in various content analysis projects around the world. For each codebook, the responsible authors/contact persons are listed, as well as the language it is in and a list of keywords, indicating which media and what kind of content the codebook is about.
– Codebook: Inhoudsanalyse voor de campagne van de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 22 november 2006
By Maud Adriaansen and Linda Bos (University of Amsterdam – contact). In Dutch. National project (The Netherlands). Keywords: elections, populism, newspapers, television, campaigns, leaders, actors, topics, personalisation.
– Codebook: Foreign News Project
By Akiba Cohen (coordinator) (Tel Aviv University – contact). In English. International project (17 countries). Keywords: foreign news, television news, domestication, hybrid news, countries, conflict, actors, topics, sensationalism. The main codebook is accompanied by several appendices: Appendix A (Topic List), Appendix B (Country list), Appendix C (List of international organisations) and Appendix D (List of actor categories).
– Codebook: Election Campaign Coverage” (Flemish newspapers)
By Jonas Lefevere (contact). In English. For more information on this content analysis project and results see Lefevere, J. (2011). Campaign effects on voter’s decision making. Proefschrift Universiteit Antwerpen. Keywords: newspapers, Flanders, elections, campaign coverage, political actors, topics.