The NORFACE project DATADRIVEN has kicked-off on December 1. Lukas, Susan, Claes, Sophie M. and Sanne will participate in an online meeting.  DATADRIVEN studies if data-driven campaigns using online microtargeting techniques are a threat to democracy. The studies will focus on micro (consequences for citizens), meso (consequences for political elites), and macro level effects (consequences for democracy).

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Talks and Travels

Judith is in Copenhagen to speak at the the AI 360 Human Brain workshop. The workshop will bring together recognized experts for a multi-dimensional and thorough treatment of AI and its implications for our future societies. The outcome is a report delivered to the European Commission, the Human Brain Project, and feed into a Europe-wide citizen engagement process on AI during the summer and…

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Claes de Vreese speaks in European Parliament

Claes spoke at the opening plenary of the EuroPCom conference held in Brussels on November 8-9, 2018. More than 1000 communication professionals joined the conference discussing the theme ‘campaigning for Europe’. Claes offered an analysis of the upcoming campaign leading up to the EP elections in May 2019, and made use of results from the ongoing ERC project EUROPINIONS.

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Sanne Kruikemeier new member of the Amsterdam Young Academy

De twee Amsterdamse universiteiten UvA en VU hebben een nieuw platform voor talentvolle jonge wetenschappers, de Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA). Vandaag zijn de eerste dertig leden bekendgemaakt. AYA moet een nieuw onafhankelijk platform worden waar talentvolle jonge wetenschappers van de UvA en de VU elkaar ontmoeten en visies ontwikkelen op wetenschap en maatschappij. AYA is een initiatief van vijf…

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Political Communication ECPR Standing group

Political Communication is now a formal Standing Group of the European Consortium of Political Research (EPCR). The group currently comprises 185 scholars from 30 countries. Katjana Gattermann and our former colleague Jonas Lefevere are its Convenor and Vice-Convenor, respectively. Congratulations!

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CPC members in the news

Bert Bakker was interviewed by and Bruzz Radio (Belgium) about why right-wing politicians might be funnier than left-wing politicians. Last week an interview with Damian Trilling was published in SURF Magazine and on the website

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