Combined Forces: Thinking and/or Feeling?

New publication by Laura Jacobs, Mark Boukes and Rens Vliegenthart in Political studies: Combined forces: Thinking and/or feeling? How news consumption affects anti-Muslim attitudes through perceptions and emotions about the economy. Read the abstract here:

Abstract: This study develops a model that contributes to our understanding of the complex relationship between economic motivations and anti-Muslim attitudes by analyzing the underexplored role of news consumption. Using a large-scale Dutch panel dataset (n = 2694), we test a structural equation model theoretically grounded in group conflict theory, in which the relationship between news consumption and anti-Muslim attitudes is mediated by perceptions and emotions about the economy. Findings offer sound empirical support for the hypothesized model: news consumption increases pessimistic economic perceptions and negative emotions about the economy, which in turn strengthens anti-Muslim attitudes. The mechanism, however, largely depends on the type of news outlet and genre: watching television seems more decisive than reading newspapers; moreover, especially exposure to soft and popular news formats plays a dominant role.