Mark Boukes (PhD, 2015) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. He is the coordinator of “Research Methods Tailored to the Thesis”, supervises MA theses, and teaches the specialization seminar on “Journalism & The Media”. His research interests are in journalism studies and media-effects with a special focus on political satire, infotainment, and economic news.
Mark is a member of the “Programme Committee Communication Science” and vice-chair of the Erasmus Mundus Exam committee. He has served on three ICA committees and is the incoming Secretary of ICA’s Mass Communication Division. Mark is an editorial board member of three international journals (Journal of Communication; Communication Theory; and Mass Communication & Society) and achieved publications with a wide range of co-authors that appeared in flagship journals (e.g., Journal of Communication [2x]; Communication Research [3x], New Media & Society). His research has been recognized with multiple awards (e.g., 5 ICA Top Paper awards) and prestigious grants (e.g., NWO Veni).
For further information or to request (conference) papers, you can contact him at
An overview of publications can be found here: