Michael Hameleers (Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, 2017) is Assistant Professor in Political Communication at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research interests include framing, populism, selective exposure and attitudinal congruent persuasion. These interests can be divided in two key lines of research.
The first line of research focuses on the intersections between populism and the media. In the midst of the global rise of populist parties, this research agenda aims to offer new insights into the role of the media in the persuasiveness and electoral success of populism.
A second and related line of research focuses on the intersections between important developments in political communication and journalism: online citizen-generated communication, selective exposure, (affective) polarization and fake news. Specifically, in different experimental studies, the effects of attitudinal congruent persuasion to populist communication and misinformation are explored, as well as the role of selective exposure in the persuasiveness of these media effects.
To provide in-depth insights in the phenomena described above, quantitative research is supplemented by qualitative research that aims to dissect the meanings and constructions of citizens’ media use and preferences.