New colleague: Lukas Otto

Lukas Otto started as new UD in our PG. Welcome Lukas! A brief introduction by Lukas himself:

“Dear colleagues, my name is Lukas Otto and I will be working at ASCoR at the Program group Political Communication & Journalism from 2018 on.

I did my Master in Psychology and my PhD at the University of Koblenz-Landau at the Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education. In 2012/13 I was a visiting scholar at ASCoR and since then contacts always remained in place with many of you. Within my PhD project I investigated the effects of soft news characteristics on trust in politicians, using mostly experimental designs. Besides the relationship between news consumption and trust, I am also interested in investigating emotions in political communication, e.g. emotions as mediators of communication effects on trust evaluations. More recently, I was interested in assessing and modeling “dynamics” in political communication research, e.g. the mutual relationship between media selection and effects using intensive longitudinal surveys (experience sampling).

I hope to see you soon in the office or at a meeting and I am very much looking forward to working with you!”

Welcome Lucas!