Maud Adriaansen & Philip van Praag (2006). Hoe systematisch zijn partijen op zoek naar hun kiezers? Politieke doelgroepmarketing bij de verkiezingen van 2002 (How systematically are parties looking for their voters? Political target marketing during the 2002 elections). Jaarboek Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen, 2004.
Kees Brants & Philip van Praag (2006) Signs of Media Logic. Half a Century of Political
Communication in the Netherlands, Javnost/The Public 13(1), 27-41
Kees Brants (2006). Sure to come, but temporarily delayed: the Netherlands in search of the
political ad, in: Lynda Lee Kaid & Christina Holtz-Bacha (eds). The Sage Handbook of
Political Advertising. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 227-241
Claes de Vreese & Hajo Boomgaarden (2006). How content moderates the effects of television news on political knowledge and engagement. Acta Politica. International Journal of Political Science, 41, 317-341.
Claes de Vreese, Banducci, S., Semetko, H. A. & Boomgaarden, H. A. (2006). The news coverage of the 2004 European Parliamentary election campaign in 25 countries. European Union Politics, 7 (4), 477-504.
Claes de Vreese (2006). Political parties in dire straits? Consequences of national referendums for political parties. Party Politics, 12 (5), 581-598.
Claes de Vreese & Hajo Boomgaarden (2006). Media effects on public opinion about the enlargement of the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (2), 419-436
Claes de Vreese & Hajo Boomgaarden (2006). Media message flows and interpersonal communication: The conditional nature of effects on public opinion. Communication Research, 33, 1-19 clic
Natalya Krasnoboka & Kees Brants (2006). Old and new media, old and new politics? On- and offline reporting in the 2002 Ukranian election campaign, in: Katrin Voltmer (ed) Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies. London: Routledge, pp. 92-113
Peter Neijens & van Praag, P. (2006). The dynamics of opinion formation in local popular referendums: why the Dutch always say no. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 18(4): 445-462.
Klaus Schoenbach & Lauf, E. (2006). Are national communication journals still necessary? A case study and some suggestions. Communications, 31, 447-454.
Klaus Schoenbach (2006). Wirkungsforschung [Effects research]. In C. Holtz-Bacha, A. Kutsch, W. R. Langenbucher & K. Schoenbach (Eds.), Fuenfzig Jahre Publizistik (pp. 192- 201). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften.
Klaus Schoenbach (2006). Vorm, inhoud en cultuurverschillen: Impressie van Nederlandse en Duitse kranten [Form, content and cultural differences: Impressions of Dutch and German newspapers]. In M. Vogel (Ed.), Van kwatsch en kwaliteit: Nederlandse en Duitse media en hun cultuurverschillen (pp. 61-64). Groningen, The Netherlands: Barkhuis Publishing.
Andreas Schuck& Claes de Vreese (2006). Between risk and opportunity. News framing and its effects on public support for EU enlargement. European Journal of Communication, 21(1), 5-32.
Maud Adriaansen, Van der Brug, W. & Van Spanje, J. (2005). De kiezer op drift (The Voter Adrift?). In K. Brants & P. Van Praag (Eds.), Politiek en Media in Verwarring: de verkiezingscampagnes in het lange jaar 2002 (Politics and Media in Confusion – The Electoral Campaigns in the Long Year 2002). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
Kees Brants (2005). Quem tem medo do infotainment? Media & Jornalismo 7(4), 39-59
Kees Brants(2005). Between control, steering and self-regulation. Shifts and trends in media governance. In: Petra Ahrweiler & Barbara Thomass (Hrsg). Internationale partizipatorische Komminikationspolitik. Munster: Lit Verlag, pp. 51-65
Kees Brants & Valerie Frissen (2005). Inclusion and Exclusion in the Information Society’, in: R. Silverstone (ed) Media, Technology and Everyday Life in Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 21-33
Kees Brants, Kees (2005) ‘Benelux-Länder’, in: S, Weischenberg, H. Kleinsteuber & B. Pörksen (Hrsg) Handbuch Journalismus und Medien. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 26-29
Cleas de Vreese & Boomgaarden, H. (2005). Projecting EU referendums: Fear of immigration and support for European integration. European Union Politics, 6 (1), 59-82.
Claes de Vreese (2005). News framing: Theory and typology. Information Design Journal + Document Design, 13 (1), 48-59
Claes de Vreese (2005). The spiral of cynicism reconsidered: the mobilizing function of news. European Journal of Communication, 20 (3), 283-301
Martin Gleissner & de Vreese, C. H. (2005). News about the EU Constitution: Journalistic challenges and media portrayal of the European Constitution. Journalism 6 (2), 221-242.
Philip van Praag & Kees Brants. (2005) Politiek en Media in verwarring; De verkiezingscampagnes in het lange jaar 2002. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis
Klaus Schoenbach, Waal, E. de, & Lauf, E. (2005). Online and print newspapers: Their impact on the extent of the perceived public agenda. European Journal of Communication, 20, 245-258.
Klaus Schoenbach (2005). Das Eigene im Fremden.” Zuverlaessige Ueberraschung – eine wesentliche Medienfunktion? [„The own in the foreign.” Reliable surprise: an important function of the media?]. Publizistik, 50, 344-352.
Klaus Schoenbach (2005). Myths of media and audiences. In P. Roessler & F. Krotz (Eds.), Mythen der Mediengesellschaft – the media society and its myths (pp. 143-158). Constance, Germany: UVK.
Klaus Schoenbach (2005). The hyperactive audience – still an illusion. An essay, „revisited.” In P. Roessler & F. Krotz (Eds.) Mythen der Mediengesellschaft – the media society and its myths (pp. 267-278). Constance, Germany: UVK.
Klaus Schoenbach (2005). Comparative readership studies: Constructive cultural criticism. In S. Dunwoody, L. B. Becker, D. M. McLeod & G. M. Kosicki (Eds.), The evolution of key mass communication concepts: Honoring Jack M. McLeod (pp. 207-214). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Rens Vliegenthart, Oegema, D. and Klandermans, B. (2005). Media Coverage and Organizational Support in the Dutch Environmental Movement. Mobilization, 10(3): 365-381.
Waal, E. , Schoenbach, K., & Lauf, E. (2005). Online newspapers: A substitute or complement for print newspapers and other information channels? Communications, 30, 55-72.
Waal, E. de., & Schoenbach, K., with Lauf, E. (2005). Online kranten en maatschappelijke betrokkenheid: Een onderzoek naar de invloed van het lezen van online versus gedrukte dagbladen op de publieke agenda in Nederland. Den Haag, The Netherlands: Bedrijfsfonds voor de Pers.
Kees Brants (2004) ‘Politische Kommunikation im Zeitalter von Big Brother’, in: J. Nieland & K. Kamps (Hrsg). Politikdarstellung und Unterhaltungskultur. Zum Wandel der politischen Kommunikation. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, pp. 93-116
Kees Brants (2004). ‘The Netherlands’, in: M. Kelly, G. Mazzoleni & D. McQuail (eds). The
Media in Europe. The Euromedia Handbook. London: Sage, pp. 145-157
Claes de Vreese (2004). The effects of strategic news on political cynicism, issue evaluations and policy support: A two-wave experiment. Mass Communication & Society, 7 (2), 191-215
Claes de Vreese. Primed by the euro: The impact of a referendum campaign on public opinion and evaluations of government and political leaders. Scandinavian Political Studies, 27, 1, 45-65
Claes de Vreese (2004). News Matters: Influences on the vote in a referendum campaign. European Journal of Political Research 43 (5), 699-722
Claes de Vreese (2004). The effects of frames in political television news on audience perceptions of routine political news. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81, 36-52
Jochen Peter & de Vreese, C. H (2004). In search of Europe In search of Europe – A cross-national comparative study of the European Union in national television news. Harvard Journal of Press/ Politics, 9 (4), 3-24
Klaus Schoenbach & Lauf, E. (2004). Another look at the „trap” effect of television-and beyond. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 16, 169-182.
Jo Bardoel & Kees Brants (2003) ‘From Ritual to Reality. Public Broadcasters and Social
Responsibility in the Netherlands’, in: G. Lowe & T. Hujanen (eds) Broadcasting and
Convergence. New articulations of the public service remit. Goteborg: Nordicom, pp. 167-187
Kees Brants (2003) ‘Auditing public broadcasting performance: its theory and practice’,
Javnost/The Public 10(3), 5-12
Kees Brants (2003) ‘De l’art de rendre la politique populaire, ou: qui a peur de
l’infotainment?’, Reseaux 2003, 135-167
Kees Brants (2003) ‘N’ayez pas peur! Une reponse a Erik Neveu’, Reseaux 2003, 183-191
Kees Brants (2003) ‘Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, Status of Media in’, in: D.
Johnston (ed). Encyclopedia of International Media and Communication. Amsterdam etc.:
Academic Press, pp. 215-225
Claes de Vreese (2003). Television reporting of second-order elections. Journalism Studies, 4 (2), 183-198
Kleinnijenhuis, J., Oegema, D., de Ridder, J.A., van Hoof, A.M.J. and Vliegenthart, R. (2003). Puinhopen in het Nieuws. De Rol van de Media bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2002. Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer.
Peter, J., & de Vreese, C. H. (2003). Agenda-Rich, Agenda-Poor: A cross-national comparative investigation of nominal and thematic public agenda diversity. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 15 (1), 44-64
Peter, J., Semetko, H. A., & de Vreese, C. H. (2003). Politics on television in Europe: How European is it. EU Politics, 4 (3)
Semetko, H. A., & Schoenbach, K. (2003). News and elections: German Bundestag Campaigns in the Bild, 1990-2002. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics , 8 (3), 54-69.
Klaus Schoenbach (2003). Zeitungen in den Neunzigern: Faktoren ihres Erfolgs. Les journaux dans les annees 90: Les raisons de leur succes [Newspapers in the 1990s: Factors of their success]. In P. Albert, U. E. Koch, R. Rieffel, D. Schroeter & P. Viallon (Eds.), Les medias et leur public en France et en Allemagne: Die Medien und ihr Publikum in Frankreich und in Deutschland (pp. 113-131). Paris: Editions Pantheon-Assas.
Klaus Schoenbach (2003). Drahtseilakt zwischen Imitation und Kontrastierung: Was Zeitungen im Medienwettbewerb erfolgreich macht [The equilibrium between imitation and contrasting: What makes newspapers successful in media competition?]. In L. Rinsdorf, B. Weber, F. Wellmann & P. Werner (Eds.), Journalismus mit Bodenhaftung: Annaeherungen an das Publikum (pp. 45-56). Muenster, Germany: Lit.
Klaus Schoenbach (2003). Die Zukunft der (gedruckten) Zeitung [The future of the (printed) newspaper]. In Bundesverband Deutscher Zeitungsverleger e.V. (Ed.), Zeitungen 2003 (pp. 126-135). Berlin: ZV Zeitungsverlag Service GmbH.
Philip van Praag (2003) ‘Winners and losers in a turbulent political year’, Acta Politica 38(1): 5-22.