These are the ICA 2021 presentations from CPC

ICA 2021

Bakker, B.N., Jaidka, K., Dorr, T., Fasching, N., & Lelkes, Y.. Questionable and open research practices: attitudes and perceptions among quantitative communication researchers
Bos, L. (2021). Morality unites and divides: The positive and negative effects of political moral appeals in multiparty contexts.
Boukes, M. (2021). Who’s watching satire? Generating a typology of the political satire audience.
Boukes, M. & LaMarre, H. (2021). Narratives in corporate CSR communications: Effect of narratives on reputation and behavioral intentions via message transportation, character identification and story credibility.
Brosius, A., Ohme, J. &  & de Vreese, C.H.  (U Amsterdam). Generation ‘Fake News’? Generational Gaps in Media Trust and its Antecedents Across Europe (Political Communication)
Cronin, Jane, Magdalena WojcieszakBernhard Clemm Von Hohenberg, João Gonçalves, Andreu Casas, Ericka Menchen-Trevino: “The (Null) Overtime Effects of Local News Exposure: Evidence From Trace Data”
Davidson, S., Sun, Q., & Wojcieszak, M. Developing a New Classifier for Automated Identification of Incivility in Social Media.
De Bruin, K., De Haan, Y., Vliegenthart, R., & Kruikemeier, S. (2021). News Avoidance From Journalism Experts’ Perspective: A Delphi Study. 
De Bruin, K., De Haan, Y., Vliegenthart, R., Kruikemeier, S. & Boukes, M. (2021). News avoidance during the COVID-19 crisis: Understanding information overload.
Dobber, T. & de Vreese, C.. (2021). Beyond Manifestos: How Political Campaigns Use Online Advertisements to Communicate Policy Information and Pledges
Fahy, R., Tom Dobber, James Shires, and Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius. (2021). Microtargeted Propaganda by Foreign Actors: An Interdisciplinary Exploration
Gattermann, K., Meyer, T., & Wurzer, K. (2021). Who won the election? Explaining news coverage of election results in multi-party systems.
Greber, H., Lecheler, S., Aaldering, L., de Haan, Y., Kruikemeier, S., De Bruin, K., & Goutier, N. (2021). Feeling the News?: The Differential Effects of Immersive Journalism on Emotional Response.
Hameleers, M. & Boukes, M. (2021). Fighting lies with facts and humor: Comparing the effectiveness of satirist and factual corrections in response to political misinformation.
Hameleers, Michael; Edda Humprecht; Jula Lühring; Judith Moeller. Different Degrees of Deception – The Effects of Different Types of COVID-19 Disinformation and the Effectiveness of Corrective Information in Crisis Times
Ischen, C., Butler, J. & Ohme, J.  (U Amsterdam). Self-Disclosure of Unaccepted News Exposure to a Chatbot (Human-Machine Communication)
Judith Moeller; Felicia Loecherbach; Johanna Moeller; Natali Helberger. Out of control? Using interactive testing to understand user agency in news recommendation systems.
Kruikemeier, S., Vermeer, S., Metoui, N., Dobber, T., & Zarouali, B. (2021). (Tar)getting You: Understanding How Political Actors Use Microtargeted Messages
Liu, S. & Boukes, M. (2021). Determining news portrayal of economic consequence: Cross-national comparative content analysis on China-US trade conflict news.
Liu, S., Boukes, M., & De Swert, K. (2021). Strategy framing in the international arena: Cross-national comparative content analysis on China-US trade conflict coverage.
Menchen-Trevino., E., Struett., T., Weeks, B., & Wojcieszak, M. Searching for Politics: Using Real-world Web Search Behavior and Surveys to See Political Searching in Context.
Meppelink, C., Bos, L., Boukes, M., & Moeller, J. (2021). A health crisis in the age of misinformation: How media and misperceptions affect our behavior.
Meppelink, Corine; Linda Bos; Mark Boukes; Judith Moeller. A health crisis in the age of misinformation: How media and misperceptions affect our behavior.
Möller, A. & Boukes, M. (2021). Watching infotainment “together”: The effects of user comments on entertainment experiences and knowledge gain of political satire viewers.
Nai, A., Tresch, A., & Maier, J. (2021). Hardwired to go negative. Candidates’ personality traits and campaign tone in German and Swiss national elections.
Nai, A., Valli, C., & Maier, J. (2021). Women Are from Mars Too. Gender, Stereotypes, and Negative Campaigning by Male and Female Candidates in Elections Across the World.
Ohme, J., Araujo, T., Zarouali, B., & de Vreese, C.H. (U Amsterdam). Assessing Predictors of (Topical) News Avoidance and User-Driven Counter Strategies With a Longitudinal Chatbot Survey (Journalism)
Ohme, J., Maslowska, E. (U Illinois) & Mothes, C. (LMU Munich). How Smartphones Affect Political Knowledge Gains From Episodic and Thematic Frames in a News Feed (Top Faculty Paper – Political Communication)
Oleskog Tryggvason, Per; Adam Shehata; Judith Moeller. Is the New Media System Tearing Us Apart? Public Agenda Fragmentation in Sweden 1987-2019
Rebasso, I., Schumacher, G., & Bakker, B.N. When emotion frames cause anger or anxiety over politics.
Strikovic, E., van der Meer, T.G.L.A., Bos, L., & Vliegenthart, R. “The Effect of References to the People on Perceptions of Representation.” Division: Political Communication.
Sun, Q., Wojcieszak, M., & Davidson, S. Overtime Trends in Incivility on Social Media: A Systematic Overview of Political, Non-Political, and Mixed Sub Reddits Over Thirteen Years.
Tschötschel, R., Schwinges, A., Schuck, A., Wonneberger, A. (2021). “Immutable Gateways? The Negligible Effects of Climate Change Consensus Messages in Germany.” (Environmental Communication Division).
Tsetsi, E. (2021). Taking SIDEs: The Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects and the Influence of Online Discourse on Political Polarization. Political Communication
Valli, C., & Nai, A. (2021). Let me think about it. Cognitive elaboration and strategies of resistance to political persuasion
Vargiù, C., & Nai, A. (2021). Sincere Lies and Contrived Facts. Individual Dispositions towards Factual Truth and the Persuasiveness of Populist Messages.
Vermeer, S., Kruikemeier, S., Trilling, D., & de Vreese, C. (2021). Changes in News Consumption During Times of Crisis: The Role of Political Interest and News Media Trust During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Political Communication.
Wojcieszak, M., Casas, A., Yu, X., Woolley, S., Tucker, J., & Nagler, J. Echo Chambers Revisited: The (Overwhelming) Sharing of Ingroup Politicians, Pundits and Media on Twitter.
Wojcieszak, M., Menchen-Trevino, E., Lee, S., Huang-Isherwood, K., & Weeks, B. Partisan News and (No) Polarization: Overtime Evidence From Trace Data.
Yu, X., Wojcieszak, M., & Casas, A. Affective Polarization on Social Media: How Do Politicians Discuss Politics on Twitter and How Do Citizens React to it.